To enable shared classes with Eclipse, we need to create a new startup command line that contains the correct JVM options. 为了在Eclipse中启用共享类,需要创建一个新的启动命令行,其中应该包含正确的JVM选项。
Goes to the current shared line of the test data file using the nextToken method 使用nextToken方法转到测试数据文件的当前共享行
Although Robert shared that Brendan has a strong square shape and jaw line, he has a more prominent chin that might actually slide Brendan into a triangular or other facial shape category. 虽然Robert认为Brendan有一个较明显的方型脸、下颚线,他有一个较突出下巴。这也许会让他归为三角形或其它脸型。
Through comparison of equipment and process between continuous hot zinc-plating and continuous annealing production lines a plan of shared line for them is proposed according to the consideration from market demands, equipment invest, production process and production organization. 通过对连续热镀锌和连续退火生产线的设备和工艺比较,从市场需求、设备投资、生产工艺和生产组织方面考虑,提出连续热镀锌与连续退火共用生产线的方案。
This paper introduced a new method automatically generating components outline Chinese characters by processing stroke outline Chinese characters with the boolean operation in graphics, and improved the method to trace the shared line, to process the special point of intersection. 本文提出运用图形学中布尔运算的方法对笔划轮廓汉字进行自动处理而生成部件轮廓汉字,并对传统的布尔运算中的重合线段的跟踪、特殊交点的处理进行有效的改进。
A design method of shared storage area card line and a software programming method are described. 本文详细介绍一种以IDT7132为核心的共享存储区插件板线路设计和软件编程方法。
As the skeleton and key asset, product-line architecture is the core of reuse shared among all products in the product line, and it is the foundation of the specific product architecture in product line. 产品线体系结构是产品线的骨架和核心资产,被产品线中所有产品共享,是各个产品的体系结构的导出基础,重用也围绕着它展开。
Scheme discussion for shared production line for continuous hot zinc-plating and continuous annealing 连续热镀锌与连续退火共用生产线的方案探讨
User in LAN can access data according to giving authority. It also can realize this system in Intel Network and access shared data by Broad Band or telephone line. 可以把需要共享的数据资源放在局域网上,网内用户可根据给定的权限,访问数据,实现资源共享。
So building a shared platform for large-scale experimental apparatus is in line with the requirements of social development. 因此,构建大型实验仪器共享平台是符合社会发展要求的。
First, the enemy-occupied area literature had reflected the writers 'standpoint and understanding to the perseverance of the national moral courage, which indicated the majority enemy-occupied area writers shared the same understanding of the bottom line of persevering in the national moral courage. 首先,沦陷区文学反映了作家们坚守民族气节的立场和对民族气节的理解,这表明大多数沦陷区作家在坚守民族气节这一道德底线的共同认识。